
Welcome to my blog, where I document my adventures as a mom living and loving in the Midwest. I live on a budget (my fashion is based on clearance racks), eat pretty clean because of my thyroid (Hashimoto’s disease), stay home with my kids (who I love with all my heart, yet can often use a break from), and am finally getting back into writing (after years of forgetting it made me happy).

Just a Boy and “His” Dog

Just a Boy and “His” Dog

Sometimes magic happens, the stars align, and beautiful coincidences are born. Back in September my 3rd grader and I took a much needed walk in the middle of a long day of distance learning. To be clear, by distance learning I mean near constant bickering for all involved, my youngest child not listening to teachers or parents, and what can only be described as 24/7 dishwashing. Anyway, on this particular day we needed a walk. We needed a walk like the grass needs sun, a baby needs mother’s milk, and influencers need filters. Fresh air and a few minutes away from pretending to be productive at work and school was suddenly essential.

On the way to our favorite lake we saw a woman and her dog in their yard just down from the corner where we were headed. My son asked if we could walk that way and see if he could pet the dog. Since my only goal was getting outside, I of course obliged. Together we chatted with the woman and her soulful black sheltie, and my son fell immediately in love with the sweetest dog God ever created.

She let my son throw a ball and he ended up playing fetch with this kind strangers dog for a good 20 minutes. When we headed off she said we could come back anytime. I chuckled and asked if she was serious, because my guess was my guy was gonna take her serious. Her response was basically, “come every day if you want—knock anytime.” And that was when it started, my son’s love affair with dogs, and one pooch in particular.

The very next day we walked by the house and no one was outside. My child looked a little nervous, then asked if we could knock. I said, “you sure can.” Within minutes we were holding a leash and a bag of treats, and walking our new friend’s dog. We went a few blocks, picked raspberries off a bush she told us to check out, gave the little guy a drink, and had a woman stop to tell us how beautiful our dog was. I laughed the whole time—it was exactly what we needed, yet completely unexpected. We knew we needed fresh air and to get away from computer screens, but we had no idea we needed a furry friend and his humans. But turns out, boy did we ever.

That night my husband bought a box of dog treats because our newly minted dog lover begged him to. Since that day in September we have walked that sweet pup probably five days a week. We only miss our walks when time somehow slips from afternoon to night before we have the time. It truly is the highlight of our day each time we pick him up and walk through the most charming neighborhood you will ever see, or to the lake we adore. We have become good friends with his mom and dad. His mom gives my guy candy a couple times a week. My son brings the dog treats, and shares cookies and brownies with his new friends. They walk over to our house sometimes, too. We hang in the yard, talk and share little stories.

It’s been a pure delight watching this unfold. I believe in divine intervention, and clearly we were meant to meet this family. I’m not sure we would make it through the chaos of school without the escape those walks provide us. That little something to look forward to is a gift. My guy is admittedly still struggling, desperately trying to make sense of school at home, but he is not struggling to feel loved. And his new friends played what will likely prove to be a key role in the most critical time of his young life. My nine year old magically found his village when he couldn’t see friends regularly and needed support most.

One day he will look back at this and remember the good stuff of 2020—walks to the lake; the time his furry buddy slipped out of his leash and simply waited for us; picking up ice cream and baking our new friends treats; going to a new boutique to buy designer dog biscuits and marvel at a ginormous doggie birthday bone featuring sprinkles and an ingredient list fit for humans; stopping at the house a block away that leaves dog treats out; going to the park we played at when he was a toddler; taking the pup in a store while wearing a mask as his mom bought a bracelet and prayer flags for a friend; strolling through a picturesque Christmas tree lot for an impromptu photo shoot; walking with his Mema who he only gets to see outside because of Covid, and who he hasn’t been able to hug or snuggle since March; and a million other memories, including the countless beautiful sunsets we discovered on our walks home.

The story of how my son met his BFFF, Best Furry Friend Forever, is one for the books. The purest friendship I have ever seen. That BFFF’s name is Nemo, and we think he is pretty swell—and his parents are spectacular, too!

May we all know love like the love my guy has for Nemo. ❤️

Let Us Lead With Love

Let Us Lead With Love

Pandemic Home Plan (Part 2)

Pandemic Home Plan (Part 2)