

Why HeatherLand Stories? To me it simply combines my name with life in the heartland. Born and raised in the Midwest, I proudly live, love, and write, in the middle—middle child, middle America, middle class (mostly)—and tend share things that make my heart happy, and sad, and sometimes conflicted. Sure, some of my ideas and opinions find comfort near the edges, but for the most part I am just a woman who writes about simple days, love, parenting, gratitude, spirituality, thyroid issues, health, nutrition, tv, current events, news, living in a 100 year old house, laughter, sadness ... LIFE. 

I can't promise a particular thread will weave it's way through my ramblings, but rest assured—I write from my heart. I get it right occasionally, I swerve of track at times, but mostly I aim to be true to myself. Sometimes when you have big feelings, it suits the soul to share them with the world. 

Welcome to my blog, and thanks for joining me on this little adventure.