Family Spectrum’s Family Table (Magazine Column)
Recipe: “Salad Bar” Rice
Submitted by: Heidi Klaassen
2lbs hamburger
1/4 cup onion, chopped
2 to 2 1/2 tsp curry powder or curry paste
1 cup water
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups pineapple, chopped (or canned pineapple tidbits)
1 cup peanuts
1 cup coconut
1 green pepper, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
3 Roma tomatoes, chopped
white rice
Instructions: Brown hamburger and onion until meat is no longer pink. Stir in water and curry, salt and pepper. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Chop pineapple, green peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes into bite size pieces. Place each topping in individual bowls. Serve over white rice— layering rice, meat and toppings.
Recipe enjoyed by: One adventurous husband, Scott, and four picky yet constantly developing kids—Aidan 11, Natalie 8, Jager 6, and Tobin 2. And of course mom.
About the recipe: Klaassen’s cousins fell in love with a version of this dish while at boarding school in Africa—it has been a family tradition for years. She says it is a great meal for even the pickiest of eaters because they can choose the toppings themselves. Klaassen’s children love it because when served it makes a messy mountain of yummy goodness!
Editor’s two cents: I love this recipe because it is as easy as making tacos! The toppings are colorful, which is a bonus for presentation, and even the fussiest eaters will find something to enjoy. Don’t worry if your kids only try the rice and pineapple the first time you make it, chances are they will load up their mountain eventually.
What our taster says: ”I’m full.”-sigh-
Skills/Interests: Nutrition, PR, Family (I started the Family Spectrum Family Table column to highlight healthy recipes for families, submitted by readers)